Thursday, April 18, 2013

Sleep under the Sky.

Mostly poor people sleeps outside in open air under the sky with glowing Stars and with shining moon. It is the God favour (Nemat) and He blessed all the people who are living on this earth with it with no difference, if he is rich or poor. The rich people sleeps under the concrete roof fixing some artificial stars and for the the cold air, they use air conditioner. Actually they are trying to make the same atmosphere which is God made but they are mad who are thinking like that, they can make that atmosphere. Actually people become more materialistic. Sleeping under the sky is like a heave-nary atmosphere. The cold and sweat moon light and breeze refreshes the body and removes all the stress and depression from body and give calmness and  a pure sweat dose in a shape of blessing. When i was a child and i do not goes for sleep due to the lackness of doze than i starts counting the stars . After the counting the stars i did not knows when i slept. Allah almighty blessed us so many kinds of things but we did not use them for our better life. It is our fault, to get no benefit from such kind of these things.
Allah gives us the strength to get get benefits from nature.

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