Saturday, March 22, 2014

Trial in Civil Litigation

Civil litigation is attached with property.
Civil trial is conducted at two forums viz: in Board of Revenue and in civil courts. The trial which is conducted by Board of Revenue is done by the revenue department. Member board is the highest appeal forum of the board of revenue. If any aggrieved person wants to file an appeal, he submit his appeal before the Honorable High Court.
The second type of trial is conducted by the Courts. This type of trial is conducted at three forums viz: Civil courts, District Court and lastly High Court. In trial of civil courts contains following steps;

1. Plaint
2. Summons.
3. Written Statement.
4. Framing of issued.
5. Evidence.
6. Arguments.
7. Judgement/Decree

These are the steps on which the trial is conducted.  Without these steps trial cannot be completed. Judge is duty bound to conduct the trial on the basis of these steps.

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